Larvik Guitar Festival
Larvik International Guitar & Bass Festival invites some of the world’s best guitarists and bassists to Larvik to play exclusive concerts for our audience. If you are a guitarist, bassist or music lover, we guarantee you some exciting and inspiring concerts this evening.
Festival pass (16th of March 2024)
Larvik International Guitar & Bass Festival invites some of the world’s best guitarists and bassists to Larvik to play exclusive concerts for our audience. If you are a guitarist, bassist or music lover, we guarantee you some exciting and inspiring concerts this evening.
This is a night filled with remarkable guitar solos, unbelievable technical instrumentalists and lots of excitement on an intimate stage. Who knows, maybe there will be a jam at the end of the night? Maybe you’ll get to speak with your guitar hero? One thing is for certain, this will be a night you’ll never forget.
Kick-off (15th of March 2024)
LGF will be hosting an evening in the festival venue as a warm-up to the festival day. This evening gives visitors an opportunity to meet fellow guitarists and bassists, talk to likeminded people and to be one of the first few to visit the expo. The bar is open and there will be various types of entertainment.
Expo by 4sound (15th-16th of March 2024)
This is one of the country’s biggest guitar expos, which gives all our visitors the opportunity to try out gear that they’ve only seen online and the opportunity to talk to distributors and product specialists. This expo is hosted by 4sound, which will make sure it has all the gear you could possibly imagine and with the opportunity to buy at a festival discount.
This event is FREE, no ticket needed!
Visit our website for even more information:
Larvik International Guitar & Bass Festival inviterer noen av de flinkeste gitaristene og bassistene i verden til Larvik for å spille eksklusive konserter for vårt publikum. Om du er gitarist, bassist eller musikkelsker, så garanterer vi noen spennende og inspirerende konsertopplevelser!
Festivalpass (16 Mars 2024)
Larvik International Guitar & Bass Festival inviterer noen av de flinkeste gitaristene og bassistene i verden til Larvik for å spille eksklusive konserter for vårt publikum. Om du er gitarist, bassist eller musikkelsker, så garanterer vi noen spennende og inspirerende
Dette blir en kveld proppfull av hårreisende gitarsoloer, ufattelige tekniske instrumentalister og mye trøkk på en intim scene. Hvem vet, kanskje det blir en stor jam mot slutten? Kanskje du får muligheten til å prate med gitarhelten din? En ting er sikkert, dette blir en kveld du
sent vil glemme!
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Kick-off (15 Mars 2024)
LGF legger til rette for en innholdsrik og hyggelig kveld i festivallokalene som en slags oppvarming til festivaldagen. Denne kvelden gir besøkende muligheten til å møte kjente og ukjente gitarister, prate med likesinnede om musikk og ikke minst bli blant de første til å ta en tur innom messa. Baren er åpen og det vil være variert underholdning.
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Messe (15-16 Mars 2024)
Dette er en av landets største gitarmesser, som gir besøkende muligheten til å prøve utstyr de kun har sett på nett, samt snakke med leverandører og produktspesialister. Denne messa er arrangert av 4sound, som vil sørge for at messa inneholder alt det utstyret du kunne tenke deg med muligheten til å kjøpe med seg hjem til festivaltilbud.
Dette arrangementet er gratis!
Besøk våre hjemmesider for mer informasjon:
Nili Brosh
Nili Brosh is a part of a new generation of guitarists, both as a solo artist and a sidewoman. Nili plays with Danny Elfman, Cirque du Soleil, Dethklok, as well as her original band.
Born in Israel, raised in Massachusetts, and educated at Berklee College of Music, Nili has performed with Steve Vai, Paul Gilbert, Tony MacAlpine, Andy Timmons, Guthrie Govan/The Aristocrats, and many more.
Nili is visiting Larvik with her trio, with Steve Lawson on bass and Atma Anur on drums.
Nili Brosh er en del av den nye generasjonen av gitarister, både som solo artist og gitarist. Nili spiller med Danny Elfman, Cirque du Soleil, Dethklok, ved siden av hennes eget band.
Født i Israel, men oppvokst i Massachusetts, og utdannet hos Berklee College of Music, Nili har spilt med Steve Vai, Paul Gilbert, Tony MacAlpine, Andy Timmons, Guthrie Govan/The Aristocrats, og mange fler.
Nili kommer til Larvik med sin egen trio, som har Steve Lawson på bass og Atma Anur på trommer.
Nick Johnston
Nick Johnston is a Canadian guitarist and songwriter who records as a solo artist. As of 2019, he has released five solo records.
His albums have featured the work of notable artists such as Paul Gilbert, Marco Minnemann, Guthrie Govan, and Bryan Beller. He has also played on songs by other artists including Intervals, ScaletheSummit, Periphery, Polyphia, David Maxim Micic, and Mike Dawes.
Nick Johnston is coming to Larvik to play at the festival with a band of local musicians.
Nick Johnston er en canadisk gitarist og låtskriver, i all hovedsak som solo artist. I 2019 har han publisert hele fem solo albumer.
Hans albumer har innslag fra flere store artister som Paul Gilbert, Marco Minnemann, Guthrie Govan, and Bryan Beller. Han har også spilt for andre artister som Intervals, ScaletheSummit, Periphery, Polyphia, David Maxim Micic, og Mike Dawes.
Nick Johnston kommer til Larvik for å spille på festivalen med et band bestående av lokale musikere.
Ida Nielsen
Ida Nielsen got her life turned upside down when music legend Prince discovered her in August 2010. Shortly after she joined his band and started touring with him and ‘The New Power Generation’ and later on the 4 piece power house rock band ‘3rdeyegirl’.
Ida Nielsen’s music is best described as a mixture of old school funk & hiphop with world music pop ups, ear catching melodies and lots of bass, and she and her band ‘the Funkbots’ are delivering a high energy funk show packed with good vibes, tight grooves and subtle references to her former employer and teacher Prince.
She will be playing at Larvik Guitar Festival with her band ‘the Funkbots’.
Ida Nielsen fikk livet snudd på hodet når legenden Prince oppdaget henne i august 2010. Kort etter ble Ida medlem i bandet til Prince og var med på turne både i ‘The New Power Generation’ konstellasjonen og senere i ‘3rdeyegirl’ power house rock band konstellasjonen.
Ida sin egen musikk blir beskrevet som en blanding av old school funk & hiphop blandet med world music, fengende melodier og mye bass. Ida og hennes band ‘the Funkbots’ leverer høy energiske funk konserter fylt med gode vibber, super groove og med historier og erfaringer fra hennes tidligere arbeidsgiver og lærer, selveste Prince.
Hun kommer til Larvik Guitar Festival med bandet hennes ‘the Funkbots’.
Otto Junior
Despite only being 18 years old, Otto Junior has already made a name for himself within the music industry, especially the Norwegian Blues scene.
He is being recognized as a super talented guitarist being compared to legends like Joe Bonamassa, Eric Johnson and Steve Ray Vaughan. Otto Junior has already toured across Norway and internationally, while sharing the stage with artists like Knut Reiersrud, Vidar Busk, Kingfish, Mike Zito, Little Steven, Tora Dahle Aagard, Kirk Fletcher, Matt Scofield and many more..
Otto Junior is an ambassador for Gibson Generation Group and has played at NAMM in LA where he got to play before Slash, Don Felder and Billy Gibbons. He has got a whopping 50k followers on his Instagram.
He is bringing bass player Bjørn Thomassen and jazz drummer Ola Grindbakken for this concert.
Kristian Stoianov
Kristian Stoianov is a 23 year old guitarist from Førde, Sunnfjord currently on his final year of his masters degree in rhythmic music from the University of Agder, after graduating from a bachelors degree in music from the same university.
He composes his own instrumental guitar music with influences from artists like Andy Timmons, Steve Lukather, Joe Satriani, Michael Landau and Eric Johnson.